General Parenting Guidance
Commando Dad: Basic Training, Neil Sinclair: I was ridiculed mercilessly by my partner for buying this on the recommendation of a colleague. Yes, it has a slightly cartoonish approach to helping dads prepare for the first 6 months and contains a lot of what you’d think is common sense. But as Voltaire said, “Common sense is not so common”. It contains a number of practical hints and tips, a lot of which is covered in your typical NCT class but if anything still a good aide memoire.
Your Baby Week by Week, Cave & Fertleman: This was our bible for the first 6 months, helping to explain our baby’s development (as the title suggests, week by week), her needs and what to look out for.
Your Toddler Month by Month, Cave & Fertleman: For us the much needed sequel to ‘Your Baby Week by Week’.
Weaning / Cooking
Young Gums, Bentley: Selection of breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes that can be shared by children and parents. We found the recipes to be a bit too soon for our daughter whilst she was weaning.
New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner, Karmel: Good introduction to weaning, covering the kit needed and a range of recipes aimed at early weaning babies to toddlers.