Why I created this site initially for dads

Our baby daughter was barely a week old and we’d agreed to meet the rest of the NCT group for brunch at a fairly modern bar in Streatham. Having agreed with my partner that we’d try to share parenting responsibilities as equitably as possible (well, as much as biological differences will allow), when came time to change our newborn baby’s nappy I dutifully obliged. Except one snag – the baby changing facilities were in the Ladies. Although the bar staff said it was no issue to use them, I certainly didn’t feel comfortable using them, especially as I wasn’t so sure the other female customers would be so easy going about having a male in their facilities. This made me think – if this seemingly modern bar in family central can’t even cater for dads, then where are the best pubs to go?

Then as I started preparing to take on tha baton of becoming our daughter’s primary carer, I realised that there wasn’t much information on the various baby & parent-friendly classes and activities available without joining multiple Facebook groups, trawling the net and being invited to join seemingly clandestine Whatsapp groups.

So what started off initially as a site to help dads find pubs that would enable them to take their babies out with having to be chaperoned by mum, became a project to provide both mums and dads some curated content to help with parenting in the early years.

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